newest pictures- 10/05/03
Mom and Gabe matching
Daddy and Auntie Nikki and Gabe
pictures- 9/28/03:
kickin' back
playing with Auntie Erica's necklace
CRAZY insane baby laughing!!!
looking in the mirror
books are tasty
looking quite determined
on the move in the new playroom
cutie monster
standing up!
pictures- 9/11/03:
baby rockstar!
such concentration..
aaah.. life is good
cutest baby ever
Mama and Gabe's new baby pouch
happy kiddo! : )
pictures- 8/15/03:
Gabe pretending to be a chipmunk
what happens when Daddy does Gabe's hair
funny face
close up
what happens when Mom lets Gabe feed himself
....peas everywhere!
pictures- 8/13/03- more from the Cape Cod trip:
Mom and Gabe at the beach
Gabe and Grandma at the beach
Gabe's third tooth
grumpy monkey!
home again
Gabe loves his mama
Gabe's front teeth are both in now!
pictures- 8/03/03:
Dad and Gabe: siesta
Gabe and Grandma on Cape Cod
Gabe's a rough tough 7 month old
Gabe and Grandma watering the garden
Mom and Gabe at the Fairy Garden
Gabe and Grandma again
Gabe loves his Grandma
Curious Gabe (the curious little monkey)
pictures -7/12/03:
the floppy hat of cuteness
floppy hat again
Gabe figured out how to roll in his sleep
first try of green beans
hm...not too bad!
so handsome
the happiest baby EVER!
pictures -6/25/03:
My Grandma's A Biker
Daddy is sweet
Daddy is silly
first taste of a veggie...not too sure about sweet potato
pictures- updated on 6/20/03
Gabe has his very own piano!
our angel baby
pictures -6/16/03:
close up
learning to sit up
sitting up with Mom
after bath cuteness
pictures- 6/08/03:
future rockstar
napping on Dad
curious kitty
curious gabe
more, please!
holding the bottle on his own
standing unassisted!
Dad and Gabe
mmm....Daddy is tasty!
soooo cute!
Gabe wants Mommy's water bucket
straws are fun
little pose
climbing the Daddy mountain
wow...a drum!
meditating on the drum's vibration
gabe in his playpen...
...about to roll over....
.....and he rolled over!!
updated on 5/16/03:
fingers are yummy
sticking out his tongue
yawn....bored now!
pictures- updated on 5/06/03:
*~more pictures from Gabe's first trip to visit Grandma~*
arriving at the airport
meeting a doggy for the first time
testing out his cousin's excersaucer
first time in a swimming pool
Grandma drying him off after his swim
Gabe's hat
Daddy giving Gabe bunny ears on Easter
Meeting Grandma's first grade class
looking cute
Gabe loves Grandma
Gabe loves Grandma some more
the silliest expression ever!
he sure likes that new stuffed animal
playing on his new quilt
pictures- updated on 4/25/03:
Dad feeding Gabe
going to CA....first airplane trip
I love my Grandma!
stop taking my picture and let's get moving!
first bite ever of rice cereal...
Trying cereal again the next morning....
....and he likes it!
Dad and Gabe on Easter morning (tired Daddy)
home excersaucer!
excersaucer again...
...and again. (it's a big hit)
pictures- updated on 4/11/03:
Gabe and Daddy go for a walk
another pic of the walk
what Gabe's hair looks like after his bath ;)
Mom and Gabe holding hands
pictures- updated on 4/04/03:
Gabe meets a teddy bear
cute smile
practicing sitting up
Woah, dude!!
pictures- updated on 3/22/03:
bedhead (fuzzies sticking out in back)
tummy time
laughing in his swing
giraffes are cuddly
Mom, Gabe and the giraffe
waking up from a nap with Daddy
pictures- updated on 3/12/03:
big cute smile!
Mommy kisses
little man
laughing funny face
love bug #1
Bath time
bath with Mommy
drying off
asleep in the baby sling
he's a star~*
learning to grab
asleep in his infant carrier
baby foot!
pictures- updated on 2/24/03:
on Dad's shoulders
the Boo-rito!
naptime with Mom and kitty
tie-dye and bunny slippers!!
looking very old and big
on the changing table
awake in the swing
....and then asleep in the swing!
pictures- updated on 2/11/03:
ready for an outing!
pj's and daddy are cozy
pictures- updated on 2/9/03:
sucking on his fingers in his sleep
the first smile captured on film!
visiting with Aunt Nikki
pictures- updated on 2/7/03:
sleeping on mom
ready for bed
in his crib
sleeping like an angel
burp da baby!
Dad kissing chubby cheeks
cute even after crying
Mom and Gabe are tired but happy!
mid-yawn closeup
*~older pictures- in chronological order~*
Mom in labor with Gabriel
Mom in labor....the last picture of the Bun in the oven!
one hour old
one hour old with Mom
one hour old with Dad
one day old with Dad
one day old with Mom
one day old- important conversation with Mom
one day old and holding his head up!
two days old- love the cheeks!
2 days old and going home!
back in the hospital with jaundice
quality father/son time in the hospital
wide awake and feeling better 12/23/02
Mom and Gabe 12/23/02
home for xmas (blurry pic, but still cute!)
to sleep, or to burp?
Very good closeup
ticklish chin!